Grievance Redressal Policy

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SmazePay realizes that quick and effective handling of customer grievance, as well as prompt corrective & preventive actions to improve processes are essential to provide excellent customer service to all segments of customers

To achieve this, SmazePay has a clearly documented policy for redressal of customer grievances.

Through this policy, we ensure that a suitable mechanism exists for receiving and addressing the grievances from its customers / constituents with specific emphasis on resolving such cases fairly and expeditiously regardless of source of the case.

Mentioned below is the definition of a Query and Complaint, for logging customer grievances.


  • Any doubt/ question
  • Customer is seeking/ cross-checking for clarification / more information.
  • Customer is making a request (e.g deliverables, services)
  • Customer is enquiring/ cross checking before the specified TAT for service/ deliverables.
  • Customer is checking status/ progress.
  • Complaint:

    A grievance/ protest/ grumble.

    Customer is disputing non – conformance of services/ products/ processes and satisfactory resolution cannot be given online (or maximum 48 working hours), is not readily available and needs further intervention from other departments/ sr. management.

    May be an error committed by Smazepay or vendor induced error.

    The policy seeks to ensure that:

    Adequate information is made available to all customers about various channels for seeking redressal of grievances arising out of any perceived deficiency in service by SmazePay. This will be updated as and when any change occurs in the process emerging out of internal reasons or change in guidelines.

    Any complaint received - via Call, email or in writing - from the customers, are being logged into the system. With this SmazePay not only ensures that all the complaints received are recorded and resolved, but also ensures effective monitoring / escalation mechanism to the senior functionary responsible to make sure that none of the complaints remain unresolved.

    The internal mechanism for recording and resolution of complaints always operates smoothly and is being monitored on daily basis. In this direction, SmazePay ensures that the Service

    Quality team monitors the complaints on a regular basis received through Call Centre, emails and through internal channel.

    All complaints received through Call Centre, email, letter and through internal channel shall be entered into the tracker and followed up for resolution by Service & Operations team. Complaints is being tracked and closed only after resolution of the customers’ grievance. Service Quality team is responsible to track the pending complaints and provide support to ensure faster resolution.

    Complaints received telephonically are being captured online at the time of customer contact and are being referred to the appropriate backend unit for necessary resolution.

    For all complaints, adequate care has been taken to ensure that complaints received are resolved as per the defined TAT.

    All complaints received at the branches are being forwarded to the Email Management Team for handling in a prompt manner.

    SmazePay provides email ID’s, and the customer care numbers for getting customer’s grievances addressed.

    Support Centre Number – 7039171233

    Support Centre Email Is –

    SmazePay has published customer care number and Email ID on the SmazePay website for customers to register their complaints.

    Complaints are resolved in a proper and time bound manner with detailed advice to the customer. In case the resolution needs time, an interim response, acknowledging the complaint shall be issued.

    Customer Complaints received through emails are being responded through Email Only. SmazePay Email Management Unit is responsible to provide final resolution response to customers raising complaints via email.

    All employees at the customer facing channels and other support departments are periodically trained in handling of complaints.

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